Bad-ass black women in the finest fashions, fierce and poised


She Believed She Could and She Did…

blue dress gift

“Each of us has been blessed with one of God’s many wonderful gifts to be used in the service of others. So use your gift well.” 1 Peter 4:10

Do you ever get an ill feeling in the pit of your stomach when you wake up in the am to get ready for work?

Do you ever dream of launching your own business?

Do you have hidden dreams waiting to be pursued.

God is the Giver of every good and perfect gift. What are you waiting for to unwrap your gift.

When you find your gift, God will take it and multiply it beyond what you can ever imagine.

I know… a thing or two about unwrapping your gift.  It happened suddenly and God gave it increase.  Resources came from places I never imagined.  Like the time I happened to be scrolling through a site and found a grant opportunity at Jones New York.  I looked at the previous year’s recipients who were some pretty incredible and accomplished women (including a fortune 500 executive), enough to make you want to shrink.  Instead of asking why, I asked “why not me?”  There was something about this opportunity that kept tugging at my heart. It just felt right.  It was something I was supposed to do.  But one problem.  The deadline was in less than an hour.  At that moment, all I need was faith, the size of a tiny mustard seed.  

What’s a girl to do without a plan?  I’ll tell you.  You pull yourself together. Say a quick prayer and up level your faith.  Believe.  

The application was intimidating, but I was determined to complete it and hit the send button. I broke the rules… I didn’t follow the advice of most biz coaches.  And, I wasn’t politically correct.  I wrote from the heart.  After all, this was about my passion + my purpose.  The gift that God gave me. With 5 minutes remaining before the deadline, I hit the “send.”  I don’t have a law degree. I don’t have an M.B.A., but I have Jesus.  

Within two weeks, I received notification that I was a 2011 Jones New York grant recipient and my check was forthcoming.  Bonus Blessing:  My mentor would be Dee Dee Meyers, the first female Press Secretary in the White House under President Bill Clinton.  It doesn’t get much better than that.

TODAY: Take one step towards creating an opportunity you want.

If you’re ready to unwrap your gift + seeking resources to launch your passion, here’s a $10,000 opportunity.  Click here for details.  Go for it!   And, tell me about one of your gifts in the comments section below.

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