work with me
I can't make your dreams come true. But I can swing open the door — and shine the way.
As an Empowerment & Career Design Coach, I’m here to support you as you articulate your dreams, create an actionable strategy, expand your horizons & professional network, and step into a life of impact, adventure & luxury.
I work best with ambitious young women who are actively pursuing higher education or a challenging career path – but who want to explore even greater opportunities for travel, service, leadership, wealth & lasting fulfillment.
Think of me as your personal guidance counselor & spiritual mentor – with decades of seasoned wisdom, industry connections & a sharp eye for talent.
Working with my is an investment in your most precious resource — your self-belief.
Ready to get to work? Choose the coaching level that calls out to you – and take a moment to congratulate yourself. This is major. And you’re making it happen.
If you’re ready to make a massive commitment to your dream career & lifestyle – and explore some magnificent opportunities for greater exposure, training, funding & travel – you’re going to need a Power Entourage. And I’d love to be in it.
I coach women over the phone in 60-minute intervals – and we work together for anywhere from three weeks to a full year.
I’ve personally coached over 1,000 women – from grad students to pageant queens to ambitious young professionals – helping them overcome patterns of self-sabotage & doubt, and design lives of purpose, social impact, and joy.
My clients have gone on to launch multi-city speaking tours, land record deals & modeling contracts, get into top medical & business schools, advocate for health & wellness initiatives on a national scale, and transform their lives, families & communities.
click here to contact me & book your first coaching session.
See you on the line.
NEXT LEVEL Luxury Retreats are my platinum-level offering – designed to help established professional women find their NEXT LEVEL mission.
Choose your adventure: Let’s meet up in the Middle East. Seriously. Abu Dhabi. Some call it Abu Dhabi, I call it Abu WOW. It’s the next BIG thing. Compared to its rival Dubai, it has all the oil; Behold the magic of South Africa with the ultimate escape to Cape Town. Channel your inner wild side on a luxury safari. Meet the bad ass women of the Cape who give life to earth.
You’ll meet with inspiring leaders, discover new projects to champion & causes to serve, connect with peers on your level (and higher), unplug & r-e-l-a-x in an exquisite setting – and get some 1-on-1 power-coaching with me.
And once your luxury retreat is over, stay connected to your NEXT LEVEL Life sisters in a private Facebook group.
This is a tremendous investment in your life & career clarity – and future legacy. And it’s more FUN than you can even imagine.
click here learn more about the next retreat!