speaking + media
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Send an email to karen@karenarrington.com to request an expert soundbite for your media piece, book an interview, or discuss a speaking engagement.

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Karen Arrington
Karen Arrington has personally mentored over 1,000 women. Her magnetic personality and seasoned advice on careers, confidence and self-worth leave audiences wanting more.
Her book YOUR NEXT LEVEL LIFE: 7 Rules of Power, Confidence, and Opportunity for Black Women In America is Winner of NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Literary Work – Instructional. Karen is available for interviews, profiles and expert commentary.
Looking for an empowerment expert?
I speak to media reps, corporate leaders & audiences of ambitious black women about power, opportunity, self-presentation, service-driven work, and living your best life – only better.
If you’re looking for an interview contact, keynote speaker or workshop leader, I’d love to talk to your audience about…
Poise, Power & Packaging.
Want to command attention, land that promotion, dazzle an audience, or score the big scholarship? Talent, intelligence & personal conviction count – but you’ve got to package yourself – from your clothes, to your message, to your posture – to seal the deal.
As the founder of The Miss Black USA Pageant, I’ve coached some of the most elegant, glamorous & well-spoken women in the nation — women who are far more than just ‘beauty queens,’ but community leaders, scholars & artists.
Want to sharpen your self-presentation? Listen in…
Having personally coached over 1,000 women, I’ve witnessed what can happen when confidence, preparation & talent converge. Think your dream is impossible? I can virtually guarantee that it’s not. And I’ve got the stories to prove it.
Redefining the Black Woman.
We’re living in the era of Michelle Obama, Oprah & Beyonce. For the first time in history, black women are holding positions of power, authority & affluence in nearly every major industry. But we’ve still got work to do – and young women need highly-visible role models, more than ever.
So – what’s next, for black women? And how can we all step into our NEXT LEVEL lives?
For media headshots & quotables:
“women are our greatest untapped resource.”
“CONFIDENCE is the new Black.”
“There’s a void in the African American world. We need role models. Much more of them. And soon.”
“SUCCESS is what happens when confidence, preparation & talent converge.”
“Make no secret about your ambitions.”

As a historian, I appreciate all of Karen’s efforts in leaving a legacy that will not be forgotten, and leading young women of color to a place where they can soon make their own. That, right there, is what’s called impact. And Karen Arrington? She not only has it. She knows how to make it. She IS it.

Her words of encouragement have been one of the greatest gifts I could have ever received, and I am so thrilled that so many other women will now have a chance to experience the love that is Karen Arrington–and all the beauty that will result from it. To have the pleasure of connecting with her kind of energy and warmth is not only smart–it’s necessary. And we’ll all be better off for it.

And since that day, your influence on my life–and those around you–is a true testament of faith as you give an astounding representation of support. I have no doubt that you, Karen Arrington, are going to continue to lead our nation’s young women to places greater than they ever thought possible.

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